Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clone Wars action figure review General Grievious

Here is one of my videos that I did awhile back.
Hey everybody
Sorry I have not posted in a long time but I have been so busy! With school and other stuff and I have also forgot a couple times.Anyways my schoolwork has increased to a huge amount.To a point where I can barely keep up with it. I haven't really mentioned it much but it is very recent.Also in my free time (if I ever have any) I have been putting videos up on youtube on reviews of several things(mostly star wars stuff) ! so I am kind of popular around youtube.I have been reading alot in school and through acts which is a very cool book. So other than that I'm not to busy :P. I will try to post more soon.Love you brothers and sisters!

In Christ Aaron/Whit Ross †

Friday, October 1, 2010

Camping trip

Here are the updates from my camping trip. Enjoy, First video reminds me of the song "Flies in the buttermilk" LOL !!