Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hey everybody!!
I'm going camping tomorrow as most of you all know. So when I get back I will try to post pictures. We are going to have a lot of people there so it is going to be a blast. I hope you all are enjoying my blog!!

Aaron/Whit Ross

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Yesterday was a sad day for everyone. I had finished school a little early and invited a friend over. There was a little miscommunication so he called and said he would be a little late. So while I was waiting I went outside and thought I would pet Fudge. I went over to him and he was lying down and breathing very hard. When I lifted up his head he would not move so I ran in and told mom that there was something wrong with Fudge. I told Jonathon and we both went outside and knew that it was his time. After 13 years our dog Fudge, has passed on.He has done many things.He made us mad at times, he made us happy but has always been and always will be the one and only fudge.

Aaron Ross †

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hi blog readers!
I just wanted to post a prayer request.Some of you may already know but I would like you to pray for a friend who's lungs collapsed over last weekend.He is a college student at usi and I would just like you to pray for him.Thanks
By the way his name is John Heren


This is an email from dad and has been past on for awhile.I thought it would be good to put on my blog.



Have you heard about the trucker who has painted his cab and trailer with the names of all those who lost their lives on 9/11?

The trucker's name is John Holmgren from Shafer, Minn. He has been 'pulled over' numerous times just so the troopers can get their picture taken with the truck.

(scroll down to see the pictures)



Hi Just wanted to say hi to all the people that have subscribed to my blog. Not much has been going on recently but I'm sure there are more things to come.Thanks


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

One of my favorites

So I have been pretty busy recently between school,church,potters wheel and awana.Which is good because as a lot of you know, I was pretty bored over the summer.I also recently got a moped that I fixed up and bought from a friend of Julia.Now I'm not an expert blog writer so I don't blame you if you think some of my posts are boring.Well that pretty much covers everything for right now.Thanks for reading! More posts to come.

Aaron/Whit †

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well... It's good to be back on blogspot!I've been so busy that I forgot for a while.
Since I haven't been on blogspot for a while you probably don't know that I recently
went to Hot Springs Arkansas for a family reunion. We had a fun time and it was a very educational
experience because it was such an old town. At first when I heard the phrase "public bath in Hot springs" I wasn't to excited but when I went I figured out it was a little different than what I expected.People swim in the geysers just like in pools, mostly because it is said to have "Healing Waters". It was a very small town in the older days but very popular and was also announced to be the first state resort in Arkansas. So it was a fun but long trip and one with many adventures but God kept us safe through them all and I am very thankful to have a God that is always there in our time of need.

Whit/Aaron Ross