Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Well... It's good to be back on blogspot!I've been so busy that I forgot for a while.
Since I haven't been on blogspot for a while you probably don't know that I recently
went to Hot Springs Arkansas for a family reunion. We had a fun time and it was a very educational
experience because it was such an old town. At first when I heard the phrase "public bath in Hot springs" I wasn't to excited but when I went I figured out it was a little different than what I expected.People swim in the geysers just like in pools, mostly because it is said to have "Healing Waters". It was a very small town in the older days but very popular and was also announced to be the first state resort in Arkansas. So it was a fun but long trip and one with many adventures but God kept us safe through them all and I am very thankful to have a God that is always there in our time of need.

Whit/Aaron Ross


  1. Hot Springs sounds like an adventure! I've been in natural springs with "healing powers" or whatever, but never hot springs. Was it really hot?

  2. Sorry Christy I didn't see you comment.Yes they were very hot because they came from guysers but the park for some places cooled the down a lot so that it was cold enough for drinking.There were other pools where it was not cooled (or maybe cooled a little)so it was really hot!
