Monday, November 9, 2009


over the past few days we've been traveling to and from Virginia,personally I did not like it,How about we start at the beginning,This might be a long story:).OK!,It was an amazing sunset the night we set out for Louisville,(It's
above,yes up there with some kid looking up(me).We were waiting for Dad and Julia to come home from work so we could leave.After they got home we scrambled to get everything in the car so we could leave.After we left we tried to get some sleep but it didn't
work, so we just talked until Julia really did fall asleep:).
We got to Michelle and Aaron's house we talked and watch some tv until Dad made me go to bed.The next morning we left for the great state of Virginia very early.

It was a nice sunrise when we left and we were all(well not me cause I went to bed like a good boy)tired.So after awhile we started listening to our mp3
players(since Jon got a new one),Then all the sudden my ear started to clog
up like there was some kind of goo in there.I didn't know what to think!I swallowed hard and it just disappeared I looked out the window and noticed
that we were slanted,I herd Dad say"has any ones ears popped yet?"so then I was very relieved about that.We stopped to eat lunch at Taco Bell and subway,the traffic was crazy!!By that time we had passed three sets of three crosses, seven really broken down barns and two dead animals on the road.I know I keep a good record of things don't I?:p.After lunch we passed a town with a river that we had to cross five times to get to the pass.We went past a hamlet and I asked "What's a hamlet?" and Julia said "It's an omelet with ham" so we all laughed at that.We had about an hour of amazing ear popping pics :).Every ten seconds Mom got nervous and said careful to Dad as we went down and around corners.After we got through the pass we had seen seven sets of three crosses,ten really broken down barns,three dead animals on the road and a black BEAR!! IN A TREE ABOVE THE HIGHWAY,with a state trooper under it and another one coming with flashing lights.It wasn't quite full grown though.So you could tell I was pretty board until that bear!(sorry we didn't get a pic of it).When we got through the pass we came up to a really steep twirly mountain.Us kids could tell Mom was going to say "careful" allot,:).After we got through that "careful" mountain we got to LIBERTY UNIVERSITY!Finally we are here.So,that's the trip there,I will be posting some more in a bit. Don't forget to read my next post.I will tell you it has to do with medicine and toilets.:P

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